Monday, June 1, 2015

Project Pearls Summer Program (May 31, 2015)

Project Pearls
Summer Program
May 31, 2015

Today is the last day of Summer Program and will be back on July 5, 2015 as After School Program.

As for the list of activities held today, kids can play at the ten booths that we volunteer-teachers prepared for them. Some of the booths were photo booth, bowling, pingpong balls, fish catching, basketball, archery, toss the ring on the bottle, etc.

Kids were gathered in the center for a prayer as the beginning of today’s activity.

Then after the song and dance, Miss Jedda led some parlor games for the kids that included “Bring Me”, “Team/ Dress-Up Relay” and lastly, “Newspaper Dance”. The last game was joined by some volunteer-teachers and was partnered by selected kids. Winners were given prizes.

Each kid had a ticket that has ten spaces or boxes on it provided for the stamps. We, volunteer-teachers must put a stamp on the ticket when the kids have finished playing the games on the booths that were assigned to us. Once the children were done playing on the ten booths and completed the stamps, foods and gift pack were given to them as a reward or prize.

Truly I may say that the kids enjoyed the last day of our Summer Program. The tiredness and haggardness that we felt are worth it when we see smiles on their faces. 

Share.Advocate.Volunteer.Be a Blessing.

To join Project Pearls or to donate, this is their website:
And this is their Facebook page:
Or simply coordinate with Ms. Jedda Punzalan at this number:  09051443012
Ivolunteer website: (to look for other organizations that you can join)

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