Monday, June 1, 2015

Project Pearls Summer Program (May 24, 2015)

Volunteer Journal:
Project Pearls Summer Program (May 24, 2015)

We’re now down to the second to the last class of our Summer Program. Next week will be the graduation day of the kids.
The usual meeting place is at LRT 2- Recto Station in front of Isetann Mall. By seven in the morning we were now ready to start the day. We reached Helping Land by riding three different jeepneys.
Today is Art day and we will also tackle a lesson about Shapes.

Before the class would start, Ms. Jedda oriented all of us about the Do’s and Don’ts of being a Project Pearls volunteer. She also let us introduced ourselves and shared with each other how we found Project Pearls. On my part, I discovered Project Pearls through the website

The kids were fewer this time because according to Miss Jedda, there’s an event on a nearby barangay and some kids were there. Each volunteer teacher would have a 2-3 kids to handle. I handle again 3 kids that were in the Kinder level. They were Ryza, Crisel and Mary Joy and all of them are 6 years old. Ryza and Crisel have been my former students for the previous weeks.

After a five to ten minutes getting to know with the kids, all were instructed to come in the center for a short activity.
The activity started with a prayer then followed by a song and dance led by Ms. Jedda. Then after that, games for the kids were followed. We played a hula hoop game emphasizing our topic today which is Shapes.
After the games, the kids were back to their places with their respective volunteer-teacher. We read them story and from that story book, we will have a settings analysis.
In line with our topic which is Shapes, we will cut out different shapes from the color paper to create the settings on a whole bond paper.
I read my students the story book, “Ang Alamat ng Palay.”  And from there we got three settings. A farm, mountains and a house with a nearby river. I cut the shapes and I let my students paste in on their coupon bonds.

One of my students whose name is Mary Joy got an award of being one of the best arts. Insert proud volunteer teacher again here. She got a pack of school supply.

Another worth full Sunday again with them has been well spent.

Share. Advocate. Be a blessing. Volunteer.

To join Project Pearls or to donate, this is their website:
And this is their Facebook page:
Or simply coordinate with Ms. Jedda Punzalan at this number:  09051443012
Ivolunteer website: (to look for other organizations that you can join)

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